가뭄에 땅이 갈라진듯한 느낌을 주는 머드 코팅 데님입니다.
소지품 포켓이 포인트로 들어가있습니다.
터키원단을 사용하였습니다.
한국에서 제작되었습니다.
Size spec (Waist / Front rise / Thigh / Hem / Length)
Size 0 - 41cm / 37cm / 31.5cm / 36cm / 128cm
Size 1 - 43cm / 38.5cm / 32.5cm / 36.5cm / 130cm
Size 2 - 45cm / 39cm / 33.5cm / 37cm / 132cm
Main - Cotton 100%
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Exchange and Return Policy
Cases Where Exchange and Return Are Possible:
Cases Where Exchange and Return Are Not Possible:
※ If you request an exchange or return due to a simple change of mind, the shipping cost for returning the product (round-trip shipping fee) will be borne by the customer. (This includes exchanges for color or size.)
Exchange and Return Policy
Cases Where Exchange and Return Are Possible:
Cases Where Exchange and Return Are Not Possible:
※ If you request an exchange or return due to a simple change of mind, the shipping cost for returning the product (round-trip shipping fee) will be borne by the customer. (This includes exchanges for color or size.)
주식회사 캄프로그 | CEO. 박진철, 최승혁 | 서울 종로구 대학로 42-13(효제동) 초향빌딩 4층| 사업자 등록번호. 295-81-02468
통신판매업 신고번호. 제 2022-서울종로-0449호 [CHECK] ||070-4414-1026 | HOSTING COMPANY (주)아임웹